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Introduction: ​


​Ksybiz Hyperbarics was created by Dr Khurram s. Yousafzai, Hyperbaric Medical Consultant, having  more than 15 Years of Experience in Hyperbaric Medicine serving in Pakistan and Internationally in UK , UAE and Saudia  Establishing Hyperbaric Medical Units independently as well in  International Standard Reputable Hospitals. 


Doctor Khurrum s Yousafzai has a Specialisation from NUMI  Naval Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Institute of Pakistan in 1995 ,  Pakistan Received this Technology in Late 1980,s from USA ,s Bethesda Medical in US Naval Facilities under US Hyperbaric Medical Association. courses that was conducted in USA as This Technology was Adopted by Pakistan Defense Forces . 


Dr Khurrum also Served as Faculty and Trained in NUMI Naval Underwater Medical Institute and in Defence Forces and has Wide Experience of Hyperbaric Medicine Consultancy and Private Practice all over the World ,


Dr Khurrum  Conducts Training to other Doctors in Hyperbaric Medicine in Pakistan and Abroad.  He has Also Implemented Hyperbaric Standards and SOPS in all the Institution he has Served locally and Globally. He has Wide experience of  Installing Hyperbaric Units in many Continents like Asia , Africa Middle east  and Americas , Treating Hundred of Diseases via Hyperbaric Medicine Locally and Globally.  Dr Khurrum is Founder of : \


      1.  "Hyperbaric Medical Society of Pakistan "


  1. 2.  "Ksybiz Hyperbarics Consultancy "

  2. ​

  3. 3.  "Ksybiz " YouTube Hyperbaric Channel 


Click on Above underlined to see. 


Hyperbaric Medicine uses :



Diseases Treatment  


All Over World this Technology is  used at Home mostly  where the  Portable Easy to use Hyperbaric chambers provide Treatment for the 300 or so List of Diseases , that are being used for Treatment of Hyperbaric Medicine and its off shoot the , Latest wound care Technology .


Hyperbaric Medicine Caters to Diseases , that has no solution in other Specialties .  Currently Hyperbaric Chambers Available Sparsely in Hospitals. Hyperbaric Medicine is saving Lives Preventing medical Complications , To know About List of Diseases  Click Here


Anti Ageing & Reverse Ageing 


It also is Anti -Aging and Reverse Ageing  & Health and Beauty Solution for those who care about themselves, To know About uses in Anti Ageing  Click Here


Sports Medicine   


Hyperbaric Medicine is also For Athletes and High Perform ace Sportsmen and Women , who want to Improve their Performance and get rid of Sports Injuries Quickly, To know About uses in Sports Medicine Click Here




Hyperbaric Medicine technology used in Mountaineering  at High Altitude in Pakhtunkhwa and Northern Areas of Pakistan at Rooftop f he World that has more than 150 Mountains above 7000 m or 7  KM High  in Province of Pakhtunkhwa and Northern Areas as the Himalayan Mountains Rooftop of the World. In  Siachen  Glacier Area  HAPE and HACE  High Altitude Pulmonary and Cerebral Edema , Caused by Extreme Heights are being treated by Hyperbaric Medicine since the 1980,s .  To know About uses in Mountaineering  Click Here 


Aviation and Aerospace 


Aerospace and Airline Industries  of World use Hyperbaric Medicine in Treatment of Hyperbaric and Hypobaric Related Diseases .  To Know Detail of Hyperbaric Medicine uses in Aviation   click here   


Deep Sea Diving 


Navies and Coast Guards of the World use Hyperbaric Medicine in Submarine Special Service group and Deep Sea Diving as Diving Hyperbaric medicine Technology, It is also Used in Oil and Gas Exploration in the Deep Sea Oil Rigs , by Oil and and Gas Companies of the coast of Sindh and Balochistan Provinces of Pakistan. 


What Ksybiz Hyperbarics Consultancy do ?  To Know Please  Click Here  
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